Nature Happenings

  • Bats are busy feeding, building fat for hibernation and migration.
  • Wooly Caterpillars are out and about.
  • September is an important migration month.
  • Blackbird flocks can number in the thousands.
  • Fall migration peaks for warblers and others.
  • Peak of Blue-winged Teal migration.
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglets appear.
  • American Goldfinches visit flower beds with Coneflower, Black-eyed Susans and other seed-producing flowers.
  • Most hummingbirds depart by the end of month.
  • Robins are in large flocks, feeding on crab apples.
  • Asters are still in bloom.
  • Goldenrod and Ragweed are still in bloom. It's not the Goldenrod that's making you sneeze.


Downy Woodpecker

How Cool is That Video

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Say No to Squirrels Video

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5 Steps for Bird Feeding Mastery Video

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